1POOL Tokenomics

1Pool Governance token (1POOL ) is the native token of the 1pool ecosystem.

1POOL has a maximum token supply of 18,000,000

The maximum supply is capped at 10,000,000 1POOL on Ethereum Mainnet and 10,000,000 1POOL BEP on Binance Smart Chain.

The initial supply is 1,500,000 1POOL on BSC chain .

In order to opt for a fair launch, devs burned team tokens, treasury and ecosystem fund tokens of the ethereum mainnet.



To ensure a more egalitarian distribution of early token distribution, a limited cap ICO was held for 1POOL BEP Binance Smart Chain.

All unsold ICO tokens of Smart Chain will also be burnt, baring 100,000 tokens for providing initial liqudity.

After the minting of the initial supply, the ownership was transferred to the minter address: 0xac4d8b8b0682880dfd20015fb0e5dd9a30fcebb6

1 POOL token Distribution

15,000,000 Community rewards

100,000 liquidity providing ( held in treasury)

1,000,000 tokens for the ICO. ( All unsold ICO tokens will be burnt)

NO Team tokens/ Dev Share ( in the initial supply)

No venture capital , large token holding vesting

Last updated

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